Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Explaning the Anatomy of the Ankles When Using Banded Distractions Re: Explaning the Anatomy of the Ankles When Using Banded Distractions

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I think there is no major upstream post tib issues.  There is definitely downstream issues with the post tib tendon along my big toe.  Smashed that with a soft ball and kettle bell.  Still too soon to tell because it was so tendor that too much smashing would make things worse (something I learned along the way) A couple of more sessions I hope will do the trick.
I messed around with the band pulling my ankle out like you recommended as well. I can feel some relief, but nothing major.  I retested with banded distraction with ankle dorsoflexion and it seemed to help.  
All of this plays to the idea that I lean on my left leg a lot and perhaps I have jamming it up everytime.  It almost feels like I should be lighter on my feet.