Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Explaning the Anatomy of the Ankles When Using Banded Distractions Re: Explaning the Anatomy of the Ankles When Using Banded Distractions

AvatarNathan Richer

Dan – yes it could be a downstream issue as well as upstream. sounds like you are going upstream?  if the tissues are tight up/downstream, that can pull the ankle in tight.

Have you tried the ankle distraction down the length of the leg? You wrap a band around the ankle and lay down with your body away from the band. the band pulls the ankle/leg. This helps gap the ankle joint. It is however limited by how much you weigh because the band will tend to drag you towards itself when you want more tension.  
You may need to find a professional or someone live for this one – always limited by text descriptions in a forum!