Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Dynamic warmup vs Mobility specifics. Knowledgable input greatly appreciated. Re: Dynamic warmup vs Mobility specifics. Knowledgable input greatly appreciated.

AvatarKeith Broussard

Dynamic warmup is designed to get you hot,sweaty and ready for the workout. It’s fine to do some mobs before your workout but they should be limited to things you need. Mostly joint capsule work if you restore full range in the joint capsule a lot of the other stuff will work itself out. Stay away from smashing before the workout. Save the soft tissue stuff for after (it helps you downregilulate). Use the dynamic warmup to hit some key ranges and if something feels grissley hit it quick and move on.

Your goal should be to find yourself in a ready state where you’ve taken care of your issues throughout the day and you don’t waste too much gym time mobilizing before the workout.