Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Dry Needling = Lacrosse Ball on Steroids = Knee Pain Resolution Re: Dry Needling = Lacrosse Ball on Steroids = Knee Pain Resolution

Electrically stimulated trigger point dry needling = dry needling on steroids 
Electrically stimulated trigger point is a lot more effective than just dry needling. It has been the best thing in terms of muscle tension relief I have tried and I have tried a lot of things including: acupuncture, suction cupping, foam rolling, PVC pipe, Rumble roller, lacrosse ball, barbell, Voodoo band squats, stretching, ART, massage therapy, MET (muscle energy technique). However its only provided me temporary relief just like everything else. I am sure it might be more permanently effective on other people with more simpler cases then mine. 
But since it was so effective at giving me temporary relief I bought myself my own electroaccupuncture machine and needles and have been treating myself.