Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Chronic Spinal Torsion – SI Joint the root or a symptom? Re: Chronic Spinal Torsion – SI Joint the root or a symptom?


Hip and shoulders are your prime movers and when there are issues here it is the first areas to address because it is where you will see the most change.
Spine first then prime movers.
None of theses situations are new so it can take time before seeing change.
You need to be more mindful of the way you are moving. Yes, this is alot, but you need to start being more aware so you can maintain organized positions, then maintain this positioning when moving etc.
You need to retool your mechanics technique for movement patterns.
Have you addressed sleeping position and how you are getting out of bed?
Until you address how you are doing it it will not improve.
Sounds like you need to identify a better professional to see if the ones you have seen have not helped.
Have you talked to anyone you have seen about movements you  can/can’t do?
Or had them watch your movements so they can see what you are talking about?