Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Chronic Low Back Pain – Inflammation in Lumbar Vertebrae Pedicle Re: Chronic Low Back Pain – Inflammation in Lumbar Vertebrae Pedicle

AvatarGraeme Ballantyne

Travis is correct about smart training getting you better. Many of the exercises in PT after a back injury seem too simple in comparison to other exercises you might normally do but they are extremely important because they activate the first muscles to become inhibited after injury. Primarily the multifidi, TA, and glutes. It’s important to find a PT that will really work with you making sure you’re getting correct activation and not simply substituting. Also good to look at thoracic mobility. Don’t get hung up on the imaging! They often show issues that may or may not actually be the origin of your pain. Finally, remember that pain is not an accurate representation of the damage. Somthing very minor can cause severe pain. You will start moving better before you feel better, but focus on good activation of the deep core muscles. Good luck!