Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years! Re: Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years!

Updated Daily Mobility/Rehab Routine:
1) Morning Routine: aprx 45 mins
1) Warm up (aprx 2 mins): skipping, leg swings etc..
Inhibit and Lengthen Tight/Overactive Areas:
2) SMR hip flexors, quads (10 mins)
3) Capsule stretch/banded distraction: Hip external rotators, Ant hip capsule (5 mins)
3) Couch Stretch PNF: Rectus femoris (3 mins)
Activate/strengthen weak areas:
1) Clamshell (3 sets)
2) Supine single leg bridge (3 sets)
3) Front plank (2 sets)
4) Voodoo band squats (20 reps)
2) Night Routine: aprx 50 mins
1) Warm up (aprx 2 mins): skipping, leg swings etc..
Inhibit and Lengthen Tight/Overactive Areas:
2) SMR hip flexors, quads (10 mins)
3) Capsule stretch/banded distraction: Hip external rotators, Ant hip capsule (5 mins)
3) Couch Stretch PNF: Rectus femoris (3 mins)
Activate/strengthen weak areas:
1) Clamshell (3 sets)
2) Supine single leg bridge (3 sets)
3) Front plank (2 sets)
4) Voodoo band squats (20 reps)
1) IT band, calves, hamstrings, adductors