Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years! Re: Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years!


Do you do your self-myofascial work/mobs after the strengthening routine. I noticed that if I dont my muscles will tense up after my strengthening routine, but if I do my muscles feel a lot looser right after especially the following day. 

I have a similar issue in that when I have a large gap between my strengthening routine, my muscles will start to tense up again and IT band pain starts returning. Mobs only temporary help. But right after my strengthening especially the next day my knee feels a lot better and my tight quads and IT band feel a lot looser.
I currently don’t lift heavy, I am working more on activation using my own body weight. I used to life heavy doing single leg deadlifts and split squats followed by some body weight exercises, but now i strictly do body weight for better form, and focusing on activation. I think part of the problem was that my hip flexors were so tight from constant sitting that when I went to do my glute activation exercises I would be activating my hamstrings insteads because the hip flexors were restricting my hips into going in full extension. So what I think this is were minimizing sitting, and rolling and stretching the hip flexors prior to my glute activation routine comes into play. My glutes feel a lot more sore doing it this way. My hamstrings used to cramp up before when I was trying to do glute bridges/hip thrusts on yoga ball and single leg glute bridges/hip thrusts. Then haven’t cramped up in the last 2 weeks. This tells me I am starting to activate the glutes over the hamstrings during some of these exercises. 
I am really starting to lean towards getting botox injections into the vastus lateralis to promote more VMO activation and decrease the lateral pull of the VL. Maybe even get some botox into the TFL, to get more glute activation, and help strengthen the glutes over the overactive TFL. I would also imagine this would help with anterior pelvic tilt.