Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years! Re: Chronic IT band/quad TIGHTNESS and knee pain (chondromalacia patella?) for 6 years!


I suggest you watch more of functional patterns videos (naudi aguilar). He seems to have a really good understanding of proper biomechanics and movement and his a good arsenal of exercises and progressions. You may need to purchase some of his video or book products as well. I will continue to watch and learn from him as well. I brought him up with my Physio and my physio agrees he has good exercises and suggestions but doesnt agree with everything he says. Also, doesnt think his posture is proper as it looks like hes sucking in his lower abdomens and his upper chest sticks out. Also, naudi thinks the plank is a good exercises if done properly. My physio thinks it isnt a good exercises and it teaches the wrong patters.