Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General What's the synergy between The Ready State and Becoming a Supple Leopard? Reply To: What's the synergy between The Ready State and Becoming a Supple Leopard?

Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

Yes, Becoming A Supple Leopard and the Virtual Mobility Coach/TRS site work together.
Becoming A Supple Leopard lays out the principles and theory which provide a base for understanding the systematic approach, the archetypes, movement hierarchy, and categories of movement. Then builds in techniques and mobility prescriptions.

The Virtual Mobility Coach gives you options to personalize your mobility work based on what you need. Depending on where your focus is for the day pre or post workout, pain (Select a specific area), sport specific pre or post, daily maintenance (10, 20, 30 minute sessions) or you can search the archive using specific words, movements, areas of the body, archetype, techniques etc.

Courses, trainings, protocols, webinars, and plans expand your knowledge base on/in a specific area and/or give a plan to help improve a situation you or someone you are working with is experiencing.

They work together building your knowledge and understanding of mobility and how to approach something you are looking to address. You start to know what works best for you to address different aspects and can start to build your own prescriptions. Both build a bigger understanding and application of the work.