Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Not feeling a release and/or feeling sore after rolling/smashing/flossing? Reply To: Not feeling a release and/or feeling sore after rolling/smashing/flossing?


Sorry, just to add that I don’t know if the proximal knee pain is tendinopathy, as it would be in the right place but I also have several really painful areas along my VL that hurt when I try to do any sort of work on them. But I can never seem to get them to release or to feel substantially better. I’ve had one physio try dry needling into my quads and elicited a lot of twitch response both in my rec fem and in my VL, but no real lasting help.

Is it simply a case of needing to work on my problem areas for shorter/longer and every day, or give myself a break between sessions more. Strangely, my knee pain does sometimes feel like it’s actually eased for a while after practicing my squatting!