Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee Tips on Healing Knee Sprain and Possible Meniscus Damage Reply To: Tips on Healing Knee Sprain and Possible Meniscus Damage

Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

Hey Jessica!

Unfortunately we cannot always prevent these types of injuries from occurring. This is the nature of sports, and there is an inherent risk of getting injured. However, that doesn’t mean that paying attention to how we train and woking on our positions can’t help mitigate that risk. Working on single leg stuff and landing drills are great for working on hip and ankle control. When performing these exercises and drills being able to identify and train a solid foot without letting the foot collapse is pivotal. Paying attention to things like ankle and hip range of motion can be an important factor as well.

K-star has some great videos on this topic!

Kid’s Athletics Back to School PSA – It’s not always the glutes.

Episode 240: 10 min Squat Test #8, Athletic ACL Injury Prevention

Hope that helps!
