Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Mobilizations for multiple joints before good position can be found Reply To: Mobilizations for multiple joints before good position can be found

Michael AlzheimerMichael Alzheimer

Hey Jamie!

To address your first question, I would certainly not stop strength training, or at least continue to do it whatever capacity you are able. Keep loading in your available ranges and tolerance levels. The strength training is essential for creating long term tissue adaptations and by loading your new available ranges it will help make results more permanent. Strength training has been shown to have a protective effect as well as helping to manage pain. Your joints and tissues need the load to adapt and change, so without the strength training you would be stunting progress. Second, I think the volume of mobility work you are doing is fine as long as you have time available and it’s not taking away from the rest of your training. Lastly, I would only modify with bands or other methods if needed. If using these methods allows to work into farther ranges of motion and with less pain than it can be beneficial, but to continue to progress you’ll still want to be weaning off these methods and increasing the challenge of the exercises.
