Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General 15 year hip iliopsoas pain getting worse – how to get life back :P Re: 15 year hip iliopsoas pain getting worse – how to get life back :P


Great that you have the things you need to start addressing your areas that need attention.
If you have numbness when doing a mob you shouldn’t continue to do it.
Are you standing in an organized position?
Pro Episode # 52 – Pro user Request Friday: Couch Stretch Feel Weird? It’s a Diagnostic Tool too.

Squat Quick Test: Is it your Ankles or Hips?
Torque and Trunk Stability Part 1: How to Stand

May be a good idea to make a standing desk
Episode 274: The Standing Athlete

Why Sitting Wrecks Your Mad Hip Action
Episode 276: MobilityWod Google Talk: Desk Bound
Episode 251: High Skilled Sitting/Abdominal Bracing
Episode 88: Desk Athlete Hip Rescue
Episode 187: Death by Chair. How Much Do Actually Sit?
Episode 91: Mobilize In the Position of Death by Chair

Squeeze your butt to set your pelvis without hunching your back.
Need to have 20% tension in your abs always

Have you looked up/downstream of your quad for impacting factors?
Have you seen a chiro?
Sounds like you may need an adjustment in the middle of your shoulders to realign.
May need an adjustment low back/between your hips to realign your hips.

It may take some time for you to see change as this doesn’t sound like a new issue.
You should do a session in the am and a session in the pm.
Its not so much do x for x number of days. Some depends on the degree of the impact in the area, if its been like that for awhile it can take some time.
Are you healed for what caused the issue?
Identifying the cause of the issue is key so you are going after the cause and not a symptom.
Its not just about time it is spending quality time and test/retest to know if you are making change.
Numbness and tingling are you body’s way of telling you something is wrong. SO you need to identify the cause so it can be corrected and the numbness/tingling does not continue to happen.

Sounds like a complicated situation.
Very beneficial to see a someone who has a movement base to their practice/approach.
Keep working through the year of mobility.