It’s Day #5 of our 10-Day commitment to LEVELING UP!

It’s time to go upstream!

Day #5 will examine and improve two important – but often neglected – parts of your upper body: the neck and shoulders. The shoulders and their adjacent body parts, the neck and the thoracic spine (also known as the T-spine or upper back) are not parts of the body people tend to think about much – until they hurt or stop working and prevent you from doing something like throwing a ball, picking your kid up, swimming, putting something away above your head, lifting a suitcase into an overhead compartment, etc.

Today we will run you through two Assessments for the shoulders and neck, provide a few follow-along mobilizations to help restore function to those systems of the body, and give you an opportunity to earn some Extra Credit.

Enjoying the Challenge? Share on Social! Post a video or photo of you doing an assessment, physical practice, or mobilization and use the hashtag #builttomovechallenge. Tag us at @thereadystate and @julietstarrett.

Vital Sign 5: Future-Proof Your Neck And Shoulders

The Assessments in Day #5 are designed to evaluate two elements of shoulder mobility – shoulder flexion and shoulder external rotation.

Built To Move Chapter Referenced: “Vital Sign 5: Future-Proof Your Neck And Shoulders” (pp. 127-148)

Assessment 1: The Airport Scanner Arms-Raise Test

The primary goal of this test is to assess shoulder flexion – that is, your ability to raise your arms overhead and move them behind you.

What Your Results Mean: Refer to page 132 of Built to Move

Equipment Needed: PVC pipe or lightweight broomstick

Assessment 2: Shoulder Rotation Test

The primary goal of this test is to assess shoulder external – or outward from the body – rotation.

What Your Results Mean: Refer to page 134 of Built to Move

Equipment Needed: None

Stacked Physical Practices:

• Floor-Sitting Positions (From Day #1)
• Practice nose-only breathing throughout the day (From Day #2)
• Walk 8-10K steps (From Day #4)
• Practice intentional walking (From Day #4)

Equipment Needed: None

Extra Credit: Practice the Worm Push-Up Technique

Equipment Needed: None

Follow Along Mobilizations (3)

Equipment Needed: Wall or Counter, Smash Ball